dropAll fails when tables have child partitions - postgres
Re : Making LiquiBase work with Netezza
Re : Making LiquiBase work with Netezza
Re : Making LiquiBase work with Netezza
Re : Translator from MySQL to liquibase
Re : Silently stopping Liquibase at mid-update
I already have lots of small changesets. Don't understand exactly your suggestion here.Or is there no way to break your changelog into much smaller pieces? If you have to stop changesets from executing starting at some point, then you should have a way to create much smaller changelogs (with eventually one big changelog composed with includes).
Re : Silently stopping Liquibase at mid-update
I already have lots of small changesets. Don't understand exactly your suggestion here.
Re : Translator from MySQL to liquibase
Re : Silently stopping Liquibase at mid-update
Then I execute a query to check for the specific condition, and if everything run ok, I create another dynamic changelog file with the remaining changelogs.
Re : [SOLVED] - Silently stopping Liquibase at mid-update
- You got your changesets in tiny changelog files.
- You include all these mini changelogs into an include changelog file generated dynamically at process start, which will include all the changesets created up to this day.
- You run the big file.
Re : Configurable DATABASECHANGELOG table name ?
EX: TABLE1, TABLE2, TABLE3 - application1
TABLE4, TABLE5, TABLE6 - application2
TABLE7, TABLE8, TABLE9 - application3
But all tables are in same database here. I need separate Changelog table for each set of tables. If this is possible, how can I achieve this?
Re : Configurable DATABASECHANGELOG table name ?
Postgres bpchar Default Value Throwing Error
Re : Postgres bpchar Default Value Throwing Error
Re : [SOLVED] - Silently stopping Liquibase at mid-update
That's what I'm doing.
I create two "include changelog file".
One that runs all the "tiny changelog files" until the point where the next "tiny changelog files" merged into a "include changelog file" may run or not, based on a specific condition.
Liquibase 3.4.1 - unsupported database Exasol issue
Unexpected error running Liquibase: Error executing SQL UPDATE LB_EXA.DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK SET LOCK
ED = TRUE, LOCKEDBY = 'XXXXXX(xxx.xx.xx.x)', LOCKGRANTED = '2015-08-14 11:22:00.694' WHERE I
D = 1 AND LOCKED = FALSE: Feature not supported: Incomparable Types: DECIMAL(1,0) and BOOLEAN! (Sess
ion: 1509478963610076197)
I had to adapt create table statement to Exasol syntax before:
Modify the table statement column LOCKED using VARCHAR(5) to fit value FALSE raises another a different error:
Unexpected error running Liquibase: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast t
o java.lang.Integer
Can anyone help what to do?
Thanks in advance
Re : Liquibase 3.4.1 - unsupported database Exasol issue
Steve Donie
Principal Software Engineer
Datical, Inc. http://www.datical.com/
Error finding parent directory when using valueClobFile attribute
I am currently using liquibase to carry out an update to an existing table in a sql database. I have included the xml script which i have written below.
The problem occurs when trying to use the valueClobFile attribute. I am trying to specify a file location in another parent directory, However the liquibase script does not like redirecting more than one parent directory up. For example in the code below the file path of valueClobFile="../customer-data/CustomerDesc.json" works perfectly.
However when trying to navigate more than one parent directory up, the file path seems to fail. e.g.
<changeset id="add customers" auther="jaypal">
<update tableName="CUSTOMER_LIST">
<column name="RAW_DETAILS" valueClobFile="../customer-data/CustomerDesc.json">
<where>schema_name = 'engines'</where>
Is there an existing bug in the code that doesn't let you reference a file path which is located more than 2 parent directories up?
Re : Error finding parent directory when using valueClobFile attribute
Steve Donie
Principal Software Engineer
Datical, Inc. http://www.datical.com/