Re : databasechangelog.csv: wrong format in latest git?
Re : Error when trying to generateChangeLog : ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
I am not 100% sure that you are having a permissions issue, but it is
something to try out - set up a local developer database and give
yourself DBA permissions and see if you have the same issue or not.
If it is in fact the case that the problem is with permissions,
I'm not sure if there is a workaround or not. It might be that you
can instruct Liquibase to only work with the named schema, but I'm
not sure. The reason that Liquibase is requiring different permissions
than TOAD or sql developer is probably because they are either trying
to do fewer/different things, or they are just better at handling the problems.
If you can't get the necessary permissions, I would suggest
setting up a meeting with the appropriate managers to find out ways to
get the permissions needed. This may be a symptom of a larger problem
that requires changes in several different areas of the company.
Alternatively, ask the DBAs to give you a full dump of the schema
in SQL format, apply that to a developer database, and then use
Liquibase to generate the XML changelog from that.
Re : databasechangelog.csv: wrong format in latest git?
Re : Liquid Base Editor/DB Change Log (XML format) editor
Hi Cristophe,
Hank Ratzesberger
Thank you for opening this project. I will take a look, however, I
started a similar idea, but based on an XForms editor. It would run as
servlet. I'm at the prototype phase, but don't have a reason
to finish it if there are no interested persons. Let me know you if
you want to take a look and discuss.
Hank Ratzesberger
Re : liquibase Diff command Using difftypes=data is not working.
--diffTypes=data can onyl be used with the
generateChanegLog command
- Reproducing below a section form the page at http://www.liquibase.org/documentation/diff.html
Controlling Checks (since 1.8)
What changes are checked for can be controlled with the diffTypes parameter to the diff commands. The following options are available and can be passed as a comma-separated list:
- tables [DEFAULT]
- columns [DEFAULT]
- views [DEFAULT]
- primaryKeys [DEFAULT]
- indexes [DEFAULT]
- foreignKeys [DEFAULT]
- sequences [DEFAULT]
- data
If no diffTypes are specified, the checks marked DEFAULT will be run.
Note: This only works with the “generateChangeLog” command, not the “diff” or “diffChangeLog” commands.
Re : liquibase Diff command Using difftypes=data is not working.
Thanks for posting that!
I just created a pull request that will let users know that
diffTypes=data in diffChangeLog does not work.
Steve Donie
Principal Software Engineer
Datical, Inc. http://www.datical.com/
Steve Donie
Principal Software Engineer
Datical, Inc. http://www.datical.com/
Re : liquibase Diff command Using difftypes=data is not working.
Thanks Steve!
I guess what is confusing is that the 1st line of that section
states "What
changes are checked for can be controlled with the diffTypes
parameter to the diff commands" but the line just before
the note states "This
only works with the “generateChangeLog” command, not the “diff” or
“diffChangeLog” commands" which seems to contradict what
was said in the 1st line.
Would you be able to correct the documentation on the page http://www.liquibase.org/documentation/diff.html
and provide a few examples?
Re : How to generate changelog of data for selected tables only?
Does not appear it is possible. You may have to generate the entire change log and remove data for all other tables except the one you want which am assuming should not be a big deal if just a one-time activity?
Re : How to generate changelog of data for selected tables only?
Just came across this thread from 4 years ago where Nathan said it was
not possible at the time but the feature was in the 2.1 planning list.
Not sure if it has been implemented yet
Re : Restricting --diffType="data" to specific tables
Has this feature been implemented yet?
Exists-preconditions, offline databases and generated SQL
We use an offline database to programmatically create a changelog and
then we generate DDL using Liquibase.
However, we have encountered a weakness in the pre-condition
system - it requires a snapshot for offline databases, which we
don't have.
We want to generate DDL to drop tables, views, etc (before
re-creating them), but only try to drop if they exists.
However, most databases already have a syntax for this: "DROP
VIEW IF EXISTS" in mysql, for instance. For some databases, more
elaborate DDL would presumably need to be generated.
Add an checkExists flag to the DROP refactorings. If set, it will
- whenever supported by the database - generate DDL statements that
checks if object existence, such as "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS".
C:\Liquibase\mysql-connector-java-5.1.31\mysql -connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar does not exist
Hi guys, I can´t fix this issue .. Please Help
Liquibase> java -jar liquibase.jar --changeLogFile=changelog.xml update
Got the error bellow .. Could someone help me ????
SEVERE 06/05/15 12:44: liquibase: C:\Liquibase\mysql-connector-java-5.1.31\mysql
-connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar does not exist
liquibase.exception.CommandLineParsingException: C:\Liquibase\mysql-connector-ja
va-5.1.31\mysql-connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar does not exist
at liquibase.integration.commandline.Main.configureClassLoader(Main.java
Re : C:\Liquibase\mysql-connector-java-5.1.31\mysql -connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar does not exist
It appears you may be running liquibase from a windows machine. If so,
correct the value of classpath to point to the absolute location (e.g.
of the MySQL driver mysql-connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar
(although relative would work too, I prefer absolute)
Example (use forward slashes):
classpath: C:/Tools/
Re : C:\Liquibase\mysql-connector-java-5.1.31\mysql -connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar does not exist
tks for your help .. yes I'm on windows ..I changed the classpath
but still not working .
Re : sqlFile not being called
Have you tried something like this, assuming the SQL file being called
is using Liquibase formatted SQL?
<include file="classpath:states.sql"/>
Note that this is not wrapped within the <changeset> tags
Re : C:\Liquibase\mysql-connector-java-5.1.31\mysql -connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar does not exist
Have you verified whether the JAR file actually exists at
Re : C:\Liquibase\mysql-connector-java-5.1.31\mysql -connector-java-5.1.13-bin.jar does not exist
Thanks Man , wrong File name .. the correct conector is Pasta de C:\Liquibase\mysql-connector-java-5.1.31
Copy paste issue ..
what is the TAG to rollback?? How to rollback a Create Table ??
Hi Guys , I need to rollback the create table bellow ..
It was created with the command java -jar liquibase.jar
--changeLogFile=changelog.xml update
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<changeSet id="changeRollback" author="nvoxland">
<createTable tableName="changeRollback1">
<column name="id" type="int"/>
drop table changeRollback1;
What is command for ROLLBACK ??
java -jar liquibase.jar --changeLogFile=changelog.xml rollback
<> what is the TAG ???
Re : what is the TAG to rollback?? How to rollback a Create Table ??
Please read the docs before asking questions to not waste other peoples time.
You will not even understand the answer if you don't.
As you can see the create table change has auto rollback.
That's one of your questions.
As for the other, the tag is the tag you created with tagDatabase
(http://www.liquibase.org/documentation/changes/tag_database.html) or
tag command in command line (http://www.liquibase.org/documentation/command_line.html).
Liquibase dbDoc command does not seem to support contexts - includes changes with non-active contexts as pending
A sane implementation of dbDoc (and judging from
https://liquibase.jira.com/browse/CORE-688) should take contexts into
account when running, but in my case it lists change sets that have a
context that should not be active as pending. For example my
entire baseline (generated by generateChangeLog). This will never be run.
Am I doing something wrong or is this really the state of affairs?
Is there in that case a decent workaround?