Thanks for getting back to me Nathan.
Just for some context, the original issue I was encountering was this;
1. I upgraded the application I'm using liquibase 2.0.3 in
(note my application runs on JBoss Fuse 6.0.0)
2. When the application started up for the first time, it created
the db tables via a liquibase script, all ok
3. However, when I restarted my application, it seems it
couldn't connect to the db anymore, and I was seeing this;
liquibase.exception.ServiceNotFoundException: Could not find
implementation of liquibase.logging.Logger
My previous version of the application (which is fine, and
restarting it doesn't cause any issues), is also using JBoss Fuse
6.0.0 and liquibase 2.0.3, so I am unsure what has changed in my
application to cause this issue to start appearing.
I had a google for this error and see it mentioned a couple of
times before;
So at this point, I was going to try and upgrade liquibase from
2.0.3 to 3.3.0 just in case the issue had been fixed in a later release.
I'll double check the classpath to ensure I haven't
another liquibase version on it in case thats causing the NPE, and
do a bit more digging around.
Thanks for your help