Re : Liquibase-Package based classes not recognized with 3.5.0-SNAPSHOT jar
Thanks for the follow up. Glad you figured it out.Nathan
View ArticleCan Liquibase export blob data?
HiIs Liquibase supports blob data type when generating changelog?java -jar liquibase.jar \ ... --diffTypes="data" \ generateChangeLog
View ArticleRe : 3.5.0 release date
I know it is a lot of work to give out a new release from an OSS project, but I would like to ask you once more if there is a planned release date for 3.5.0.
View ArticleRe : Cannot get diff against Hibernate to work in ant
Thanks. That gets past the JDBC driver issue but now I have this:diff-against-hibernate2:[liquibase:diffDatabaseToChangeLog] Starting Liquibase.dropping...
View ArticleRe : 3.5.0 release date
Yeah, sorry for the delay. The testing of the final diff fixes is taking a bit longer than I hoped.Still planning for "any day now" ...Nathan
View ArticleUpgrading from 3.1.1 to 3.4.2
Hii was trying to upgrade from 3.1.1 to 3.4.2 , maven compilation fails because of some class files are missing from liquibase source code. Please see below error message[ERROR] BUILD FAILURE[INFO]...
View ArticleRe : Cannot get diff against Hibernate to work in ant
It looks like the Liquibase cannot connect to the database. It is trying to call driver.connect()on the given JDBC URL and driver and that method is returning null. According to the JDBC Javadoc:The...
View ArticleRe : Upgrading from 3.1.1 to 3.4.2
i got it , i am missing "javacc" maven plugin...My bad thanks all
View ArticleRe : Cannot get diff against Hibernate to work in ant
Thanks. I changed the jdbc driver for the referencedatabase only to liquibase.ext.hibernate.database.connection.HibernateDriver based on something I read in one of the forum posts here. So my target...
View ArticleRe : Upgrading from 3.1.1 to 3.4.2
Glad you figured it out, thanks for letting us know.Nathan
View ArticleInserting the content of an XML file into a DB Table in a change-set
We have a table called XMLData with the column Data, type XML.We want to insert the contents of an XML file (e.g. Customer.XML) that is located in a folder in the same directory with the change-log...
View ArticleRe-start using liquibase on project
I have in my project liquibase set up and all is working fine. There is initial xml files, made one year ago and a lot of change sets that are made meanwhile.I run all change-sets for test executions....
View ArticleCreating a table with liquibase xml using api java with context defined not...
Hi,I need update my database with new changesets of one especific context. When a run my code, the liquibase runs normally, but the table is not created. Nothing error is showed, so it is very...
View ArticleRe : Creating a table with liquibase xml using api java with context defined...
If there was some sort of error, I am pretty certain that the liquibase.update() method would throw an exception. If it is not, then Liquibase believes it is operating 'as designed', so the likelihood...
View ArticleRe : Creating a table with liquibase xml using api java with context defined...
Thanks so much Steve, you was very fast!First, let me to explain the cenario that I am developing. I am buiding a graphic interface that choose a database, a context tag and the rotine from liquibase...
View ArticleRe : Creating a table with liquibase xml using api java with context defined...
I'd like to help you, but you aren't giving me much information to work with. What you want to do seems completely possible - it is exactly what Liquibase is designed to do.So - what is the 'willRun'...
View ArticleLiquibase 3.4.2 H2 database
Hello We recently upgraded liquibase to use the latest version (3.4.2) and we use H2 in memory database. With the new version I'm getting the below exception 2016-04-20 10:08:12,284 [main] ERROR -...
View ArticleRe : Creating a table with liquibase xml using api java with context defined...
Hi Steve,I discovered what was the problem! Debugging, I gave pass the wrong context to the liquibase! So, now it works normally.Thanks for your help.
View ArticleRe : Cannot get diff against Hibernate to work in ant
I have very limited experience with the hibernate plugin but based on the ClassNotFoundException I would say that the classpath given to the ant task doesn't have everything it needs to run. The...
View ArticleRe : Liquibase 3.4.1 - unsupported database Exasol issue
Hi,I am trying to do the liquibase implementation for exasol and I have the same issues. I changed the type of LOCKED column to BOOLEAN and then to VARCHAR, in both cases I get:Unexpected error running...
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