Formatted SQL, endDelimiter issue
Hi, I am very new to the world of SQL and Databases in general so this issue may be me overlooking something very simple,but it has me abit confused all the same! The issue I am running into is,...
View ArticleRe : Extension migration validation issue 3.1.1 -> 3.2.2
Usually we try to keep the checksums consistent from release to release, but there were some large changes in how the parser works in 3.2 that caused some to change due to bugs. Do you have an example...
View ArticleRe : Liquibase upgradation from 2.1 to 3.1
Yes, there were some changes with the ResourceAccessor API in 3.2. There was logic in XMLChangeLogParser and other locations that really belonged in the ResouceAccessor and there wasn't a good way to...
View ArticleRe : Braces { in "sql" source not working
It seems to be from Liquibase calling the Oracle driver's connection.nativeSQL(sql) method. The braces get lost from that. Do you know if there are any issues or work-arounds at the driver level with...
View ArticleRe : What does liquibase validate really do, and when should I use it?
It looks like changeLogSync should run the validate method as part of that processing. The error looks like a problem with the checksum changing between when you ran "update" and when you run...
View ArticleRe : Formatted SQL, endDelimiter issue
The trouble is that the statements coming to the database through the JDBC driver generally need to be sent one at a time, it doesn't do any splitting of statements like the SQL client applications do....
View ArticleRe : Braces { in "sql" source not working
Hmmm ... it seemed to me that the {'s are being stripped before the SQL is executed but I could have that wrong as I've only just had a quick glnce at the Liquibase code. I can't find anything re the...
View ArticleRe : Extension migration validation issue 3.1.1 -> 3.2.2
Thank you for your hint. I've done the logging test you suggested. 3.1.1: [30 Jul 2014 07:14:57,247] main DEBUG de.medav.dmf.server.base.MARServer.Container.LiquibaseService.liquibase -...
View ArticleRe : Configurable DATABASECHANGELOG table name ?
It was not easy to find out the only way I could make it work, so maybe it'll be useful for someone else: JAVA_OPTS=-Dliquibase.databaseChangeLogTableName=MYTABLE ./liquibase --url=jdbc... --username=u...
View Articlediff between current changelog and hibernate entities
Hi, is it possible to generate a diff changelog between the current changelog xml file and my hibernate/jpa entities without first applying the current changelog to a db and diffing that db with...
View ArticleHow can I set the path ignore the OS?
I want to put my to another local folder. such as: c:\opt\liquibase\config And I hope the path can ignore the OS. So in my pom.xml, <plugin>...
View ArticleRe : How can I set the path ignore the OS?
Answered on StackOverflow: Steve Donie Principal Software Engineer Datical, Inc....
View ArticleRe : Braces { in "sql" source not working
Stepping through, the braces seem to be lost in JdbcConnection with a call to connection.nativeSQL(sql). Perhaps it is confused with your brace and "\\ ?" ? If you add some newlines in there, perhaps...
View ArticleRe : diff between current changelog and hibernate entities
In theory it could be done, but it isn't supported yet. The main problem with supporting a changelog "database" is that Liquibase has not SQL parser so if there are any <sql> block we aren't able...
View ArticleRe : Extension migration validation issue 3.1.1 -> 3.2.2
So it does look like the 3.2.2 version actually a bugfix that affects the calculation and probably not something we want to revert back to. You have a couple options, you can override the...
View ArticleMulti-statement rollback: supported?
Is there any support for multi-statement rollback? If so, how is invoked? In other words, if I have a changeset sql subsection with several statements <sql splitStatements="true"...
View ArticleRe : Extension migration validation issue 3.1.1 -> 3.2.2
Thank you for your response, the validChecksum tag seems to be a good alternative. I'd like to discuss an issue that was mentioned in my last post here: xxx: Computed checksum for...
View ArticleRe : diff between current changelog and hibernate entities
Ok, thanks for the information. As I am not using any sql in my changelog (I'm only using basic refactoring tags), I suppose a small subset of the supported tags would be enough in my case. This...
View ArticleRe : What does liquibase validate really do, and when should I use it?
Nothing changed in the xml files between step 3 and 4. There were changes before step 1, but I assumed that if both changelogSync and update passed without any warnings, then it means everything is OK....
View ArticleRe : Multi-statement rollback: supported?
Yes, you can have any number of tags inside your rollback block, such as <rollback> <dropColumn...> <dropTable..> </rollback> or <rollback>...
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