Re : generatechangelog creates changelog with most tables without column
I'm not sure why you are seeing this. It works fine for me in my testing. Is there anything you notice that all the missing columns have in common?Nathan
View ArticleRe : Table comment conflicts with modifySQL.append
Sorry for the slow reply. I was off for a while around the holidays.The modifySql doesn't try to be smart at all, it just does a simple text replacement like you noticed. The simplest approach is...
View ArticleRe : Generates changelog but noting inside
It is working fine for me. What liquibase version are you running? And can you run with logLevel=DEBUG and send the output?Nathan
View ArticleRe : Setting liquibase.schemaName (or is it liquibaseSchemaName?) from the...
You should just have to use liquibaseSchemaName as a regular parameter without the -D. Like:.\liquibase.bat --defaultsFile=update.xml --logLevel=DEBUG --username="sys as sysdba" --password=secret...
View ArticleRe : PostgreSQL timezone format
The problem comes from trying to handle data types in both database-specific and database-independent formats. I'm going to look at better ways of handling it with 3.2. I created...
View ArticleRe : SQL Changelogs - Multiline Rollback
You should be able to list multiple lines, each with a --rollback prefix.Nathan
View ArticleRe : OutputFile without schema
By default it shouldn't. There are includeSchema and includeCatalog ant task parameters in generateChangeLog that if set to true should add the schema/catalog but if set to false they should not be...
View ArticleRe : The total flow to migrate
Sorry for the slow delay replying. I see you are logged in as guest so I don't know if you would see a response. Let me know if you are still watching this thread and I'll reply.Nathan
View ArticleRe : [LB1.9.3] Internal datatype conversion to target databases
I haven't gotten to a full cleanup of data type logic, but Liquibase does try to handle type differences in a cross-database manner if you use "standard" types. In Liquibase 3.x you can control exactly...
View ArticleRe : Postgres max_locks_per_transaction
Hopefully the upcoming 3.1 version will hopefully work better for you. I believe that caught the last of the unclosed statements and result sets.
View ArticleRe : Postgres max_locks_per_transaction
Ok thanks. I'll wait for the 3.1. release, try again, and report back the results.
View ArticleModify data type from varchar to Blob in Sybase.
On Sybase ASE when I try to modify the data type of a column from varchar to blob its giving me this error,any help?? Error executing SQL ALTER TABLE [ETTFDKXEB6AC0X83ZNZB9ZEGI].[PROD_T_RESOURCE]...
View ArticleRe : Modify data type from varchar to Blob in Sybase.
That is an error from Sybase, not from Liquibase. You are doing something invalid - it doesn't make sense to convert a column that contains text to a column of binary data.
View ArticleManipulating data depending on ran changesets
I have the following problem: I want to write data into my database once a particular changeset ran, but the manipulation should'nt be made, if the changeset did not ran. I am using the following code:...
View ArticleOracle DBMS Outline commands
Hello Everyone,We tried to run outline commands via the <sql> tags to run as raw but we are still encountering errors. I've looked around but haven't seen any references to it.below is a snippet...
View ArticleRe : Modify data type from varchar to Blob in Sybase.
Thanks ... sorry i meant from Varhcar to Clob.That modification is also throwing the same error
View ArticleHow to specify rollback in YAML changelog file?
I can't find in the documentation the right syntax to declare rollback statements using YAML, so I tried the following but it doesn't work.databaseChangeLog: - changeSet: id: 1 author:...
View ArticleSave a view definition as part of a changeset
I want to change the size of a column in a Postgres table. Unfortunately this table is referenced by a complicated view, and Postgres won't allow me to change the column without dropping the view...
View ArticleAutomating deployment of parallel multitenant schemas
Hi!Say I have a system where each tenant has its own schema, and all those schemas contain identical table structures (and views, indexes, triggers etc). (There are also are a handful of other...
View ArticleRe : Oracle DBMS Outline commands
What error are you seeing? Does it help if you use the splitStatements=true and stripComments=false flags on <sql>?Nathan
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