Re : maven generateChangeLog several files
Not automatically, no. If you wanted to do it automatically, you would need to write some sort of post-processor. If you're only doing it once I would just manually organize things. Steve...
View ArticleLiquibase logfile leaves commandline empty
When I use the --logLevel parameter at the command-line liquibase prints the logging on the command-line. But when I additionally use the --logFile parameter then it prints them in a file without...
View ArticleRe : Liquibase logfile leaves commandline empty
The only way to do this is to use something like the slf4j plugin and set up a logging configuration that allows for log statements to go to multiple locations (console AND file)....
View ArticleIntroduction to Python Programming
Fortunately, an experienced programmer in any programming language (whatever it may be) can pick up Python very quickly. Indeed, it’s also easy for beginners to use and learn. So why are we being late?...
View ArticleLiquibase package compilation when spec and body in same file
wn votefavoriteI have a directory where the packages are kept in the below format ,both the package specification and body are kept in the same file ,the file name is abc.pkgcreate or replace package...
View Articlegenerating a changelog file where each createTable tag is missing the column...
*The following took place on a Windows 8.0 PC with MySQL Version 5.7.19 and liquibase 3.6.2 installed.I have a MySQL database that I created from a liquibase change log file that myself and another...
View ArticleRe : generating a changelog file where each createTable tag is missing the...
I found this StackOverflow post ( and after reading it it occurred to me that the updates...
View ArticlePrototype: Automatic lock prolonging and removal of stale locks
Hey there,automatic lock prolonging (and with this, removal of stale locks) is quite important in microservice environments, especially where developers don't have access to the production database and...
View ArticleLiquiBase changeset is being picked up, but not showing up in...
I created a new changeset to add a new column to an existing table as shown below. I also added the key-property to the hbm.xml file of the usergroup table. It does get picked up according to the logs,...
View ArticleHow to dump data as SQL from the liquibase Java API?
Platform: Java 8, liquibase, derby, liquibase 3.5.3Here's what I want to doWrite Java code that creates a derby database using a liquibase schema (already in place)Write Java code to parse...
View ArticleRe : How to dump data as SQL from the liquibase Java API?
So far I've done this (liquibase is a Liquibase object that already has been used to set up the schema) CatalogAndSchema catalogAndSchema = null; DiffToChangeLog changeLogWriter = null;...
View ArticleData dump
I am trying, programmatically in Java, to dump data to a changelog script. I can manage to dump the schema but cannot fathom how to just dump the data, resulting in the very same changelog script file...
View ArticleI am trying to use liquibase to add members to a role
I am trying to use liquibase to add members to a role, but the SQL is different from SQL Server 2008 to 2012.SQL Server 2008:exec sp_addrolemember db_datareader, MYUSER SQL Server 2012:ALTER ROLE...
View ArticleCan ColumnSnapshotGenerator handle MySQL datetime precision ?
Hi,With liquibase-3.5.3, I was trying to retrieve Database schema via liquibase and found out [ColumnSize] returned was always 19 but not the one I saw in MySQL, e.g. 3 for datatime(3). Therefore,...
View Articletmp files after "Run Migrator pulling changelogs from a .WAR file"
Hi all, I'm using Run Migrator pulling changelogs from a .WAR file java -jar liquibase.jar \ --driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver \ --classpath=website.war \ --changeLogFile=com/example/db.changelog.xml \...
View ArticleWhy does runAll="true" validate checksum?
I have a changeset that applies some default data through SQL scripts. Those scripts can be run always as they handle old and new data alike. So we change the script to integrate new defaults. The...
View ArticleLong time of Reading ChangeSet operation
We have a big sized changesets in our liquibase patches(sql format).Changesets look like this and have about 30000 strings each:INSERT INTO Table1 (c1, c2, c3, Name, Active, Properties, Domain)...
View ArticleValueComputed creates a null value,it works without the valueComputed bug.
Trying to create a new row in the DB using a Clobfile.I'm using the Oracle database its valueComputed does not return a value but instead returns null. Using the combination of ValueComputed. I have...
View ArticleIssues with Hadoop upgrade from hadoop 1.1.2 to hadoop 2.9.0
I am trying to upgrade Hadoop from 1.1.2 to 2.9.0I had executed the command -upgrade on hadoop2.9.0 cluster.It shows that upgrade is in process and not yet finalized. I have been waiting...
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