I was able to get this to work. I am not very familiar with Java (we use Liquibase with a C# project), so I think some of the Java pieces tripped me up.
There were a few things I had to do to make this work:
1. I needed to add some properties to the URL I sent to Liquibase:
ActiveDirectoryPassword is what tells the driver to use the authentication mechanism I wanted. I also had to add encrypt=true and trustServerCertificate=true to avoid some SSL errors I was getting (from: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/jdbc/connecting-with-ssl-encryption?view=sql-server-ver15).
2. I needed the MSAL4J (Azure Active Directory) libraries in my classpath. I added them to the liquibase/lib directory so that the default Liquibase launcher scripts would add them for me. I got caught on this, too, because I needed to use Maven which we do not use. After downloading Maven, I used the copy-dependencies plugin to download the dependencies I needed.
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
Here was the simple pom.xml I used:
I also put these dependencies in the liquibase/lib directory so they were automatically included in the classpath. The instructions from Microsoft were helpful in leading me to the correct places:
Also, not sure it was required to meet my goal, but I also upgraded to the latest Liquibase (3.8.7) and latest SQL Server drivers (8.2):
Hope that is useful to future people!