When I generate the first diff. The diff file looks correct. It has the tables that we need to create. I run the app, it creates the tables (Oracle), all is good. For validation purposes I run the diff command again, expecting for it to return with no changes. Unfortunately it comes back with changes to the Primary Key Column. If I run the new set of changes and do another diff. It still comes back with the same change logs. It will do this infinitely.
I think that I might be using the wrong decencies but I am very lost.
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
Diff that is always created
- changeSet:
id: 1578435590163-1
author: Stackoverflow (generated)
- dropPrimaryKey:
tableName: users
- changeSet:
id: 1578435590163-2
author: Stackoverflow (generated)
- createIndex:
- column:
name: username
indexName: IX_usersPK
tableName: users
unique: true
- changeSet:
id: 1578435590163-3
author: Stackoverflow (generated)
- addPrimaryKey:
columnNames: username
constraintName: usersPK
forIndexName: IX_usersPK
tableName: users
liquibase properties