Hi. I am using Liquibase in a Dropwizard java project with Gradle. I have attempted to load a mysql dump via several different approaches, none of which have been successful. I'd very much appreciate some guidance on how someone else managed to upload a sql dump.
... attempt 1
<sqlFile dbms="mysql" endDelimiter=";;" path="sql/schema-init.sql"/>
... attempt 2
<executeCommand executable="mysql">
<arg value="-u user"/>
<arg value="-password=password>"/>
<arg value="-h hostname"/>
<arg value="-P 3306"/>
<arg value="db schema name < ./sql/schema-init.sql"/>
.. attempt 3
<executeCommand executable="../sql/init.sh"/>
attempt 1 was to run the mysqldump as a sql file. It seems that Liquibase had too many issues with the way the sql dump tables were ordered.
attempt 2 was to use an executeCommand. The error returned was that the last arg cannot contain the < character needed by mysql to signify upload.
attempt 3 a last ditch attempt to point to a bash script to perform the upload for me
mysql -u hthu --password=password -h db.hthu.provata.app -P 3306 hthu-eligibility < ./schema-init.sql
it failed on account of not being able to see the bash file in the adjacent directory. Can Liquibase not handle relative paths?
Cannot run program "../sql/init.sh": error=2, No such file or directory