Okay, found.
The right answers was just there : http://forum.liquibase.org/topic/oracle-end-delimiter-issue
But enDelimiter is not enough :
1) the sql file has to be UTF8 encoded,
2) the final "/" as to be alone on a new line
3) it have to be another empty line after
4) the endDelimiter have to be the only on my sqlfile.
Then for the changelog, I need to have this changeset :
<changeSet author="UpdtPackage" id="DatabasePackage-WADMIN" failOnError="true" runAlways="true" runOnChange="true" context="renew or install" >
<sqlFile dbms="oracle" encoding="UTF8" endDelimiter="\n/\s*\n|\n/\s*$" splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" relativeToChangelogFile="true" path="../../SQL/01-update/WADMIN/PA_ADMIN_HEAD.sql" />
<sqlFile dbms="oracle" encoding="UTF8" endDelimiter="\n/\s*\n|\n/\s*$" splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" relativeToChangelogFile="true" path="../../SQL/01-update/WADMIN/PA_ADMIN_BODY.sql" />
Now, all works fine !
It was a goldsmith works to find how all works together, but now it's a kind of magic