Hello all.
I wonder why I did not see such a pbm there or elwhere in the net... peharps I'm a noob ^^
The pbm I face off is when I run liquibase to create packages, the "/" symbol from my division has been red as an endDelimiter :
ex :
my package function :
Create or replace Package (name) AS
select CASE WHEN RequestTypeId = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END "ARCHIVAGE"
,CASE WHEN RequestTypeId = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END "PURGE"
from request rt INNER JOIN requestdispatch rd
ON rt.id = rd.requestid
where rt.dispatchstatus = 2
AND rt.dispatchdate >= (SYSDATE - pIntervalInSec/86400)
) A;
End (name);
changelog file :
<changeSet author="InstallStructure" id="DatabasePackage-WARCHI" failOnError="true" runAlways="true" runOnChange="true" context="renew or install" >
<sqlFile dbms="oracle" encoding="UTF8" endDelimiter="/" splitStatements="true" stripComments="true" path="../SQL/00-install/04-Packages/Pckg_WARCHI_20180621.sql" />
As a result the following error :
Unexpected error running Liquibase: ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
[Failed SQL: 86400)
) A;
END (name);
Where am I wrong please ?
thaznk you for helping