How do I make a multiline value on an insert query?
What I tried:
What I tried:
<column name="ColumnExample" type="varchar2(500)" value="
doc:application/msword \n docx:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document \\n
gif:image/gif \\\n >
But it just literally insert the values instead of creating new lines. Is there a special character i'm missing to escape, or some trick to creating multiple line values? What it should be :
" Line 1 Line 2 "
What I get "Line1/nLine2" in the DB. What I have found: But this just says: add CDATA but this issnt allowed anymore, or never was?
<column name="message" value="<![CDATA[ a b c d ]]>"/>
I tried this one but it only creates errors. " liquibase: The value of attribute "value" associated with an element type "column" must not contain the '<' character."
What am I missing?