Thanks Gavriel - your example was super helpful to get me going.
I hit this weird issue when attempting to configure liquibase control tables against an Oracle database (in first run control tables were created as expected, but on subsequent attempts to migrate the schema the control tables were attempted to be recreated resulting in errors).
Posting the solution I stumbled upon, it may be useful for someone (IMO its an oracle-specific issue):
Against Oracle Database:
The configured liquibase control table names SHOULD be specified in ALL CAPS for it to be consistently recognized across multiple liquibase runs (first time setup & subsequent attempts to migrate).
Against Postgres Database:
The configured liquibase control table names are not required to be in ALL CAPS, i.e., it works appropriately across multiple liquibase runs even when the table names are specified is in small case.
As Liquibase uses JDBC connectivity to perform its operations using the database-specific driver - I assume its safe to attribute this behavior to ojdbc7.jar (oracle driver I specified in the classpath when performing liquibase operations against Oracle database).