I have been using the liquibase-3.4.2.jar file when "migrating" my database tables. I have coded up some changes to the default NVarcharType datatype and have them in the liquibase.change package. Everything runs fine; the classes are found.
I decided to try out the last two versions of the liquibase-3.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar as it had some fixes for the process of generating changelogs. The generateChangeLog is in fact better. When I try to use that same jar for "migrating" to a new database my changes to the NVarcharType are not found and my modifications are not applied.
I can see the "Liquibase-Package: liquibase.change,liquibase.changelog," etc. entry in the MANIFEST.MF file in the SNAPSHOT jar.
Has something changed with 3.5.x with regards to this processing or am I missing something?