Ok, found out how to do this:
- <changeSet id="20140903-initial-data-usr_specs" author="Bart">
- <loadData
- encoding="UTF-8"
- file="liquibase/initdata/changelog_SNAPSHOT_1/usr_specs.csv"
- tableName="usr_specs">
- <column name="d_beg" type="DATE"/>
- <column name="d_end" type="DATE"/>
- <column name="dt_rec" type="DATETIME"/>
- <column name="dt_sup" type="DATETIME"/>
- </loadData>
- </changeSet>
By specifying the date fields, Liquibase parses the date values
with the pattern as specified in the documentation: ‘YYYY-MM-DD'
or 'hh:mm:ss’ or ‘YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss’.
Now when I think about this matter, it is quite logical that you
have to specify to Liquibase what kind of field it has to deal with.
But when quick referencing the documentation it was not so quite clear
to me. Please, could you add to the documentation an example of loadData with date
fields like above?