For now I found a work arround, and it is working fine:
<changeSet id="fix_upgrade_version_liquibase" author="e-ballo">
<preConditions onFail="MARK_RAN"
onErrorMessage="View PRV_FTTH_REQUESTS_TO_AP was not found,
drop view it is not needed">
<sqlCheck expectedResult="1">
SELECT count(*)
FROM all_objects t
t.object_type = 'VIEW'
and t.object_name = 'PRV_FTTH_REQUESTS_TO_AP';
<comment>Fix the upgrade version 2.0.5 -> 3.2.2
Problem with viewExist</comment>
<dropView schemaName="PRV"
But I would like to confirm if the view exists check only
valid objects :)
Thanks in advance,