some more info from me. I just digged through the code. I simply dont
understand why a read-only operation like
"listUnrunChangeSets" calls this method:
public void checkLiquibaseTables(boolean
updateExistingNullChecksums, DatabaseChangeLog databaseChangeLog,
Contexts contexts) throws LiquibaseException {
changeLogHistoryService = ChangeLogHistoryServiceFactory.getInstance().getChangeLogService(getDatabase());
if (updateExistingNullChecksums) {
changeLogHistoryService.upgradeChecksums(databaseChangeLog, contexts);
Or differently asked, why does this method includes
"creating" a lock? Is there any reason someone needs to
create a lock only for "getting" unrun changesets? I mean, i
understand that you need to protected "update()" method
calls, but why this read-only call?