Why can't CONTINUE be used for preConditions on changelogs?
The documentations says explicitly "Outside a changeset (e.g. at the beginning of the change log), only HALT and WARN are possible values.", but there is no explanation why.
I would like to have a "master" changelog which includes other "sub-changelogs". In these ones I would like to have a precondition check with CONTINUE or MARK_RAN, so that a whole sub-changelog can be skipped. Writing the precondition in every changeset would be much more work and has the risk of forgetting it on a changeset.
The documentations says explicitly "Outside a changeset (e.g. at the beginning of the change log), only HALT and WARN are possible values.", but there is no explanation why.
I would like to have a "master" changelog which includes other "sub-changelogs". In these ones I would like to have a precondition check with CONTINUE or MARK_RAN, so that a whole sub-changelog can be skipped. Writing the precondition in every changeset would be much more work and has the risk of forgetting it on a changeset.